Living Well Doing Well: Improving Your Children’s Self-Esteem

Whether you’re young or old, people of all ages are constantly being bombarded with images on a daily basis. Not all of these images are negative, obviously, but many of them are. First of all, the media plays a major role in what we see. When you’re watching the latest celebrity show, for example, you may see a woman who looks absolutely flawless. She has no wrinkles, the smoothest skin possible, and teeth so perfect, that they even put most dentists to shame.

On top of that, society also plays a major role in how we think about ourselves, and to a lesser extent, what we see. After all, we’re constantly being told what foods to eat and avoid, how to dress, and what it means to be an acceptable human being. However, notice that many of these media images and even the mindsets of society, don’t impact those who are older. That’s because they already have a set thought process. Seeing images of a flawless celebrity, or being told that they need to lose weight, wouldn’t affect them as much, and they might simply dismiss it. However, would a young child dismiss it so easily? The chances are very unlikely. Many children have insecurities and problems with their body images, and here are a few reasons why. However, on a more positive note, there will be solutions as to what your children can do in these situations. One main one is the relationship a child sees between husband and wife as their parents. But here are some other great ideas.

#1. Social Media

Society and television are one thing, but social media is a completely different story. After all, while many adults do use websites such as Facebook, social media is a new digital trend for today’s youth, and it’s often how they communicate with others. While there are plenty of positive aspects of social networking, in a way, it’s just as self-destructive as it is beneficial. Kids are exposed constantly to unhealthy body images, no more so than online. As an example, notice how many people on Facebook seem to have the perfect life.

They have an amazing job, a wonderful wife, and the perfect car. Getting more to the point, though, many people on Facebook usually upload amazing photos of themselves as well. If a child was constantly exposed to these images, how would it make them feel? Maybe he/she would believe that they’d never be good enough, and that they’d need to have a flawless image as well. In a way, Facebook sets unrealistic expectations about how others should feel about their life.


First of all, it’s important for your children to realize that someone’s profile on Facebook is usually not reflective of their real life. Social media is often a facade where people usually brag about their accomplishments and try to pain the image of a perfect life. When your children realize this, it’ll be easier for them to stop comparing their lives with others. Lastly, considering how many people are obsessed with social media, your children should go outside and get some fresh air. Instead of living in a social network bubble, meet new people and engage in activities outside the house.

#2. People Are Often Judgmental

Another reason some children have problems with their body image, is because many people in society are often judgmental. After all, first impressions are lasting ones, and many people can be very quick to judge without even getting the chance to know them. This is especially true at school, where kids often tease others and can be very cruel. For example, let’s say there was a kid at school who was a bit overweight. The other kids might tease him/her to the point where they feel they’ll always be fat no matter how much they exercise or eat healthy.


On the flip side, people aren’t always judgmental. Sometimes, children assume others are going to immediately judge them. On top of that, in order to impress others, many kids try to be someone their not, and it only makes things worse. As a solution, children need to be themselves in social situations. Their conversations will come naturally, and they won’t look awkward or forced to anyone.

#3. Society’s Expectations

As I mentioned before, the expectations of society can cause children to feel insecure about their body image. It’s easy for adults to dismiss what they see on television, but many children might be looking for acceptance when watching TV. After all, let’s say they don’t have a good role model around the house. Upon seeing the latest model on a reality show, they might latch onto that, and try to develop the perfect body image. Eventually, this could lead to skipping meals, exercising too much, and the child might even think he/she is fat when they’re not.


Children need to realize that society’s expectations are often unrealistic, and that what’s shown on TV usually doesn’t correlate with reality. Many children aspire to be the next fashion model, or wish they had the perfect life, like the latest celebrity. However, what goes on behind the scenes is a different story. Many super models even have to eat every two hours to keep their perfect figure, or they’ll lose their job. Overall, it’s important to remember that more often than not, what’s shown on TV is not realistic.

For more information and useful advice on the problems that many kids have with their body image, and ways your children can feel better about themselves, feel free to contact me today. I look forward to hearing from you, and assisting you in the best way possible.

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