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Nutritional Information


Michael Pollan gives nutritional advice in seven words — “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” We agree with his goal to simplify the nutritional message, but with over 5000 research articles published every year, nutrition is a complex topic.

With this in mind we have developed our ten Nature’s Express Nutritional Principles as a way to let our customers know what is behind our ingredient decisions.

1. Choose more phytonutrients and antioxidants.

2. Keep processed foods to a minimum.

3. Choose healthier modes of cooking like baking, roasting and grilling instead of frying.

4. Choose foods with lower calorie densities.

5. Choose healthier oils (like sesame and olive) and less of them.

6. Use more spices and less salt.

7. Use the best fats (nuts, seeds and avocados), the best carbohydrates (whole grain breads, veggies, fruits, and beans), and the best protein (beans, whole grains, veggies, nuts and seeds). Choosing the right fats, carbs, and protein makes sense; relying on their ratios, doesn’t.

8. Decrease refined sugars.

9. Choose whole foods over supplements (exceptions include B 12, Vitamin D, and DHA)

10. And finally, make it delicious!

We are also concerned about genetically modified (GM) foods. We believe that the safety of GM foods has not been adequately tested. Therefore, we have been working with the Non-GMO Project and Food Chain Global Advisors Inc. to set up a program for restaurants to decrease GMO ingredients. (more on this coming soon).

As you can tell, we are not huge fans of the traditional nutrition label because it does not tell the whole story.

That said, we have calculated the nutritional info of our burger patties for those who may be interested.

Please click on the PDF icon below to see the nutrition labels for our house-made patties.